Volunteer Opportunities

Would you be interested in volunteering with us? Contact the Chapter at arklatex.moaa@gmail.com or by phone (318) 759-7545 (leave voicemail if not answered).

Just a few hours (3-5 perhaps) per month to help with Officer, Board or Committee Positions. Descriptions below:

2d Vice President – Appointment to fill the position is made through the President and approved by the Board.

Chapter Treasurer – Our current treasurer needs assistance. The only technical requirements for this position are a familiarity with basic checking and savings account management and the use of Quicken-Premier financial software (or interest/ability to learn).

JROTC/ROTC Committee – Assistants are needed to help current chair, Lt Col (Ret) John Collier. The committee’s effort is primarily focused on annual recognition of deserving cadets for the MOAA Medal for demonstrated exceptional potential for military leadership. Coordinated through 36+ detachment leaders.

Legislative Chair Assistant – Assist former LA House Representative Lt Col (Ret) Henry Burns, with our efforts to coordinate veterans issues with state leaders.