State Legislation

This page will contain links and information at the state level that is of interest to members of the ArkLaTex Chapter of MOAA. By it’s very nature, this information will be updated on an as-needed-basis.

Past ArkLaTex Chapter accomplishments – LOOK AT WHAT OUR CHAPTER HAS DONE ALREADY FOR LOUISIANA VETS” … Come join our chapter and be a part of the solution too!!!:

► Initiated action for 156 bed Northwest Louisiana War Veterans Home in Bossier City
► Established six figure Trust Fund for Vet Home
► Initiated action for Louisiana Veteran Honor Medal
► Worked with state to cover active duty child care funding for low income military families
► Initiated action changing inheritance and usufruct in Louisiana wills
► Held POW & Purple Heart luncheons every year since 1980 with as many as 800 attending
► Initiated action to build a War Veterans Memorial in front of the Bossier City complex

A summary of Veteran legislation from 2008-2021

• LAVETBIZ: Also known as the Veterans Initiative, the purpose of this legislation is to provide support for Louisiana small businesses that are owned by Veterans and service-connected disabled Veterans when they seek to secure contract work through the State of Louisiana. To date, 137 Louisiana Veterans are certified through this program with a goal of $5,000,000 in state contracts. Governor Jindal signed this bill into law in 2009.

• Louisiana Veterans Honor Medal: This first program of its kind, the Louisiana Veterans Honor Medal was established as a way to honor, thank and recognize Louisiana Veterans for their honorable military service. To date, the Medal has been awarded to over 28,000 Louisiana Veterans and their families. Governor Jindal signed this bill into law in 2009.

• Support for Louisiana soldiers who were killed-in-action or wounded-in-action since 9/11: The Governor signed legislation in 2011 that provided $250,000 in death benefits to the family of Louisiana National Guard soldiers who were killed- in-action and $100,000 in benefits to Louisiana National Guard soldiers who were permanently and totally disabled-in-action since 9/11. Also in 2011 the Governor signed legislation which provided special “Honor and Remember” flags to the family of soldiers who were killed-in-action since 9/11 and to soldiers who were wounded-in-action since 9/11.

• “Support our Veterans” LA License Plate: In 2010, the Governor signed legislation which created the “Support our Veterans” Louisiana license plate. Proceeds from the sale of these specialty plates benefit the Military Family Assistance Fund (MFA) which provides assistance to members of the Louisiana National Guard and Armed Forces Reserves should they experience financial hardships as a result of being placed on active duty.

• Expanding Eligibility of Veterans into LDVA Veterans Homes: In 2009, Governor Jindal signed legislation which expanded eligibility for Veterans seeking to reside in LDVA Veterans Homes to include peacetime Veterans where before, only those Veterans who served in the military during times of war were eligible for residency at the facilities. This opened the door for thousands of Veterans who had previously been unable to seek access to LDVA Veterans Homes.

• Other: In 2010, the Governor signed legislation that allowed for a constitutional amendment which, upon approval of the voters of Louisiana, would double the Homestead Exemption for Louisiana disabled Veterans who own their own home from 75,000 to 150,000. Also in 2010, the Governor signed legislation which provided Louisiana driver’s licenses to be provided to Louisiana Veterans who are 50% or more disabled at no charge to the Veteran.

Louisiana International Gulf Transfer Terminal Regional Center

• H.B. 11 ( ACT 22) Designates the seventh day of August as ” Purple Heart Recognition Day.”

• H.B. 344 ( ACT 56) Provides that any resident of Louisiana who is the surviving spouse of a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, the Louisiana Army National Guard or the Louisiana Air National Guard who was killed while in action in a combat zone shall be issued all hunting licenses and permits for a total fee of $2.50 and recreational and saltwater fishing license for a total fee of $2.50.

• The Governor has signed H.B. 654 (ACT 252), which expands provisions to rights and procedures relative to the termination of residential leases for military personnel and their spouses.

• H.B. 1072 ( ACT 222) Provides for the issuance of a retired military hunting and fishing license to a person who is a retired member of the United States Armed Forces, the Louisiana Army National Guard or the Louisiana Air National Guard and was either born in Louisiana or is a bona fide Louisiana resident.

• H.B. 1128, which has been sent to the Governor’s desk, authorizes higher education employees who are veterans to take paid leave on Veteran’s Day to attend Veteran’s Day activities.

• S.B. 538 (ACT 312) establishes a voluntary registry for veterans who were exposed to open-air burn pits and provides for access to treatment.

• H.B. 200. June 15, 2021 – Gov. John Bel Edwards announced bills he had signed into law from the 2021 Legislative Session.  Among those bills listed was ACT 185—HB 200 which “Exempts military survivor benefit plan payments from state individual income tax.”

• H.B. 496 (PROPOSED-MAY 2024) Ensures the rights and benefits of veterans are protected from exploitation and abuse by predatory organizations and individuals.

(Visit the Louisiana State Legislation Page)